Spinal Flow Technique™ guides your body to release stress, restore function & perform at its optimum level.

What client’s of Spinal Flow™ report...

  • A calm, relaxed nervous system, with less stress and anxiety.

  • More flexibility, freedom and movement in the body.

  • Reduced body aches and pains.

  • Improved digestion and reproductive health.

  • More energy, inspiration and an overall feeling of well-being.

  • Enhanced immune function and resilience towards illness.

  • Improved concentration, mental clarity and finding direction in life.

What is Spinal Flow Technique™?

Spinal Flow Technique™, developed by Chiropractor Dr. Carli Axford, combines cutting edge science and the healing arts to identity and release blockages that are stored in the nervous system. These blockages are caused by chemical, physical and emotional stress, and manifest into symptoms of pain, disease and illness.

The spine and the nervous system are the master controllers of the body. However, stressors may interrupt the essential flow of messages up and down the spine through our nerves to our organs, tissues and cells.

The 7 gateways of the spine are the main assessment tool used in Spinal Flow Technique™. Each of the 7 gateways is associated with a specific area of the spine, and holds different symptoms and experiences for an individual. Spinal Flow Technique™ uses gentle touch, palpation, anatomical postural assessments, and the 7 gateways of the spine, to help locate and release spinal blockages.

As Spinal Flow® practitioners, we use light touches on specific points on the body to activate the body’s innate healing wave or flow. These points, called ‘access points’, are located on the sacrum, coccyx, and cranium. The natural flow generated moves up and down the body, clearing blockages in the nervous system and facilitating healing. After a series of Spinal Flow sessions, clients report experiencing less aches and pains, more energy, improved sleep, better focus and mental clarity, and an overall feeling of well-being.

Kate Ross is a certified practitioner of Spinal Flow Technique™ and is passionate about helping people to rediscover their body’s ability to connect and heal itself.

If you are struggling with…

  • Sciatica, lower back pain, hip issues or knee problems.

  • Headaches, migraines or respiratory issues.

  • Feeling anxious and often in fight or flight mode.

  • Thyroid issues or chronic sore throats.

  • Feeling stuck in the past and having trouble making decisions.

  • Digestive and/or reproductive issues.

  • Feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

  • Low energy or bouts of dizziness or brain fog.

  • Nervous system issues or neurological disorders.

  • Feeling disempowered, withdrawn or disconnected from life.

I am here to help you.

Spinal Flow Sessions

  • FREE Posture Assessment

    15 minutes

  • Adult Initial - $130

    Allow up to 60 minutes

  • Child Initial - $110

    Allow up to 45 minutes

  • Reassessment - $70

    Allow up to 60 minutes

  • Adult Subsequent - $70

    Allow up to 30 minutes

  • Child Subsequent - $50

    Allow up to 20 minutes

  • 6 x Session Package - $360

    Pay upfront for 6 sessions & save $60

  • 12 x Session Package - $660

    Pay upfront for 12 sessions & save $180

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