Your body knows how to heal and find balance. Let me guide you.

About Kate.

Hi, I’m Kate. I’m a Kinesiologist and Spinal Flow Practitioner. I am also a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I love people and I believe in the body’s innate ability to heal itself. I find each and everyone of us to be a fascinating tapestry of our experiences, uniqueness and passions. I love to listen, support and guide my clients to find true meaning, peace and wellness in their lives…and I want that for you too.

I have completed the ICPKP International Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice with Chi Kinesiology and the Spinal Flow Technique Certification with Dr Carli Axford. I am dedicated to life-long learning and further education and am currently undertaking the ICPKP International Graduate Diploma of Kinesiopractic.

Kinesiology and Spinal Flow Technique are incredible, life changing modalities. Do you have a willingness to grow, a curiosity for what lies beneath, and a calling for a more healthy and balanced life? It’s your time to dive into your shadow so you can find your light. Let me guide you.


 A Few Fun Facts…


1. I totally love the beach.

Anytime there’s a chance to take a trip to the seaside I’m there! My first profession was a marine biologist and the ocean always beckons me…


2. I’m an avid gardener.

My fave thing to do on my birthday is to spend a whole day in the garden with my family…followed by a long bath. Bliss.

3. I have always had a passion for health & wellness.

Health and wellness has been a central focus in my life - always. I am totally fascinated with the natural world and holisitic health. This is what calls and inspires me the most.