Kinesiology taps into your deepest knowing, releases stress, and activates your body’s innate ability to heal itself.

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Brené Brown

Imagine if you could...

  • Feel confident, inspired and excited again.

  • Silence your busy mind and rediscover inner peace and calm.

  • Restore your health and vitality.

  • Learn to prioritise and honour yourself with loving boundaries, guilt free.

  • Regain clarity, direction and control of your life.

  • Revitalise your relationships with loved ones, and feel that love and connection you so deeply desire.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a gentle yet powerful holistic energy modality that helps you to access blocked emotions in your subconscious mind, and clear stress on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Your body has innate intelligence and knows how to heal and find harmony. When there is an area in your life that is not flowing and is causing you stress, this indicates there is an imbalance within you. Kinesiology has the power to find the root cause of such disharmony and balance the body so you can achieve ideal health and well-being.

Kinesiology combines anatomy and physiology with the principles of Chinese Medicine to assess energy and body function, applying a range of gentle healing techniques to improve health and vitality. Gentle muscle testing is used to communicate with your body, identifying imbalances in your system and finding resolutions. Muscle testing assesses the quality of messages going back and forth between the brain and the muscles. A muscle that tests as weak, gives an indication of stress in the body. As muscles also interact with meridians and organs, muscle testing is a powerful tool to assess stress on a deep level.

​Kinesiology can bring aspects of your life back into balance so that you can reconnect with your wisdom and make decisions from a place of clarity.

Many of my clients struggle with….

  • Feeling exhausted and running on empty.

  • Ongoing anxiety or depression.

  • Over-committing and trying to please others - saying yes when they want to say no.

  • Chronic pain that really bothers them but they don’t know how to stop it.

  • A lack of meaning and inspiration in their lives - feeling empty and unfulfilled.

  • Feeling lost and stuck in relationships with people who leave them feeling drained.

  • On/off relationships with drama and instability.

  • Feeling overwhelmed and emotional, taking things personally and getting easily upset.

  • An overactive monkey mind that rarely switches off.

I am here to help you.

What does a Kinesiology Session look like?

Where you are at:

A Kinesiology session starts with a discussion about what’s going on in your life, what you may be struggling with, and where you may be feeling overwhelmed. Issues discussed may relate to stress, nutrition, minor injuries or other health concerns.

What you desire:

We then identify where you would rather be in your life, focusing on how you want to feel and how you would like your life to look. Together, we will create a goal to work towards for your session. Then, one by one, we will remove the obstacles that stand in your way of achieving this goal.

Restoring your balance:

You then lie (fully clothed) on a massage table, and muscle monitoring and gentle techniques will be used to detect and correct imbalances in your body’s energetic system. Corrections made restore health and harmony to the emotional, physical and spiritual elements of your being.

Note: Kinesiology uses the energy model of healing and is not used to treat, diagnose or cure disorders.

Kinesiology Sessions

  • FREE De-Stress Session

    Introduction to Kinesiology. Allow 15 mins

  • Adult Initial - $150

    Allow up to 75 minutes

  • Child Initial - $130

    Allow up to 60 minutes

  • Adult Subsequent - $130

    Allow up to 60 minutes

  • Child Subsequent - $110

    Allow up to 45 minutes

  • 3 x Session Package - $350

    Pay upfront for 3 Kinesiology sessions & save $40

  • 6 x Session Package - $660

    Pay upfront for 6 Kinesiology sessions & save $120

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